
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Diet is only one piece of the puzzle

Hopefully your still on your new years resolution and your 90 challenge. Keeping the diet on track is a hard, but rewarding endeavor, but not the end. Sure you realized by now you need to do more then watch what you eat. The next step is to add a little cardio to your training.

Its not hard to do. Find an exercise that will keep your heart rate up and constantly going. You have many options. Running, biking, swimming, aerobics classes, etc. You can choose to do something as easy as taking a 30 minute walk first thing in the morning or last thing at night. Its a great way to start or end the day. Giving you time to reflect on the day ( This is usually when I do my best thinking).

If you don't want to go in alone you can go for a run or bike ride with friends. Always make sure you have the right gear ( footwear, proper clothing for climate, etc).

Lastly, if you don't have the time or place, I suggest you keep a jump rope with you. Its a great way to take your cardio workout with you any where. Rain or shine, at home or at work, the jump rope is an easy tool to take with you.

What ever it is you choose, make it enjoyable, start slow, and build yourself up. You can do this and we're are here to help.

Yours in Health.

Team Lo Greco.

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