
Friday, December 9, 2011

Keys to success in weight loss

Losing weight is not about a diet. Diets come and go. Its about a life style chang. Change your thinking and you change your world.

1) You can eat what you want, just understand portion sizes.
2) Variaty is Key. Try a new food today. Each and everything you eat has a specific nutritonal value. Trying new foods allows you to get the nutrition your body needs.
3) Positive reinforcement. Its always good to have people around you who are willing to try new things with you, who will keep you on the path to a slimmer, trimmer you.
4) Remember, its a life long change. Short term goals are great, but it should be a slow progressive change. You should allow yourself time to get used to the lower calories and new nutrition in your diet. It usually takes about 21 days to creat a habit so stay on the path.

You will reach your goals. Stay informed. Try something new. And stay around people who will encourage you and lead you towards your goals.

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