
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Detoxify your way to a better you

"DETOX", the mere mention of the word has people thinking of celebrities in drug rehabilitation. Well, detoxify or detoxification can be a great way to jump start that diet program or just feel generally better about yourself physically.

Our normal eating habits and medical drug intake has a way of slowing down the natural nutritional intake in the good foods we may eat throughout the day. Foods
such as dairy products, colas and red meats can clog the colon. The colon being the area where most nutritional intake is absorbed and taken into the blood stream. It is then the livers job to remove any toxic substances which may be harmful to the body. And we cant forget the gall bladder, which produces bile for fat break down. Our normal everyday consumption has a way of taxing these systems, slowing things down. When we slow down the absorption of nutrients we also tend to slow down the way we feel. We start to feel sluggish, lethargic, and weak.

A body detoxification helps remove and cleanse the system. While most people find it hard to stick to doing it once or twice a year, it can really make a difference in the way you look and feel. Increasing fruit and vegetable intake usually helps in the detoxify
process. The natural vitamin and minerals as well as raw fiber helps one feels better as well as eliminate the waste that has been hanging out in the colon. It is not rare to see someone lose 10-20 lb. during a detoxification period.

Signs detoxification may help you feel better:

Difficulty focusing or concentrating during normal tasks
Feeling sluggish, tired
Frequent stuffed nose
Frequent meat eater

Basics of detoxify and daily recommendations

5-8 servings vegetables
3-5 servings of fruits
4-6 oz. chicken or fish (boiled, broiled, or baked)
2 whole eggs
1-2 cups of brown whole grain rice
8 cups of water ( green tea is a good substitute due
to antioxidant intake)
Follow for 2-3 weeks with a moderate exercise program
of 45 minutes of walking daily. After which you can
incorporate these eating habits into your regular diet
habits. Remember to consult your doctor before
attempting any lifestyle change.

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