
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The New Golden Boy: Phil Lo Greco

The New Golden Boy Phil Lo Greco

The New Golden Boy Phil Lo Greco
By Judi Abate
Boxing Diva
Phil ” The Italian Sensation” Lo Greco ( 22-0 12K) is an internationally known welterweight champion.  He has been fighting most of his professional career in Canada and Italy. Phil will be making his first professional debut on American soil when he appears on the Hopkins-Dawson card this April 28th at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Phil’s career has become even more exciting with his signing last week with Golden Boy Promotions. He looks forward to fighting the best the welterweight division has to offer. He knows that his future goal of winning a world title will take many sacrifices and he is prepared to give it his all to make his dreams come true.
Phil is a very down to earth, nice guy. He is very talented in the ring with an aggressive style but also very charismatic outside the ropes as well.
Speaking with Phil was indeed a pleasure. With his handsome good looks and European accent, I’m sure he will create a media sensation among boxing fans in the US.    Let’s talk to Phil Lo Greco.
BD What sparked your interest in boxing?
PLG I watched fights on TV and my Dad was a big boxing fan. He took me to the gym and I loved it. I was an energetic kid.
BD How did you get your nickname?
PLG  I was in the army in Italy and when I came back to Montreal I turned pro. People just started calling me ” The Italian Sensation” and it stuck.

BD How does it feel to sign with Golden Boy Promotions?
PLG It feels right. Golden Boy is  a winning team and I want to be associated with a winning team. I’m very grateful.

BD This will be your 1st professional fight in the USA are you excited?
PLG I’m very excited. It will be in Atlantic City and it’s gonna be good. I will do whatever I can to give a good performance.

BD Is your boxing career so far all you hoped for?
PLG I would say so. I’m 27 and 100% happy and it’s my time now.
BD What makes you a threat in the ring?
PLG My determination. A man with determination is a dangerous man
BD What message do you have for your opponent?
PLG I’m going to knock him out.

BD How do you describe your boxing style?
PLG Smartly aggressive-pushing forward.
BD Who is training you?
PLG Ryan Grant in Toronto.
BD How do you stay focused when training?
PLG Everything I like I take away. Right now I’m sleeping on a couch. I have a very bare apartment without any fancy things. I don’t want to be comfortable.
BDWhat is your greatest strength as a fighter?
PLG My heart.

BD What can you improve on?
PLG Everything.
BD What has your last few fights taught you?
PLG Eat well and do proper nutrition. No fast food.
BDWhat does having an undefeated record mean to you?
PLG Everytime I step in the ring I have more to lose.
BD What is your boxing goal in the next 3-5 years?
PLG A world title.

BD What do you think of women’s boxing?
PLG I’m a big fan of women’s boxing. They can be sexy in the ring while kicking ass.

BD What is your opinion of MMA?
PLG I love it. It’s a great sport. George St. Pierre is a sparring partner of mine. I respect any fighting sport.
BD What would be your dream fight?
PLG Manny Pacquiao. He is my idol.

BD How can we keep boxing strong?
PLG Very simple. You need personality. More public appearances so the fighters can shake hands with their fans.

My Boxing Diva Questions
BD If you were an animal which one would you be?
PLGThat’s easy a tiger.
BD On a scale of 1-10 how happy are you?
PLG 11
BD If you were a car-what kind of car would you be?
PLG A red Ferrari
BD Favorite snack?
PLG Me and American fast food is sweet mouth-watering love.(Burger King-McDonalds)
BD What kind of person do you dislike?
PLG Two-faced. I was taught to be real. Your word in your bond.
BD What would I find in your refrigerator right now?
PLG Let’s see.( He goes to the frig and tells me exactly what he has inside.) Eggs, cauliflower,orange juice and chicken breast.
BD Can you cook?
PLG Yes. Seafood and pasta.
BD Favorite color?
PLG  Royal Blue

BD Do you wear boxers or briefs?
PLG Both. It depends on the night.
BD What are you afraid of?
PLG Maybe heights.
BD When you dream is it about boxing?

BD Do you speak French?
PLG I understand French but I speak Spanish better,
BD What would we never guess about you?
PLG I’m very good with numbers/math.
BD What kind of music do you like?
PLG I like it all. Latin-Hip Hop anything with a good beat.

BD When not training for a fight what do you like to do?
PLG I like to spend time with my family and my girlfriend. I like to travel .
BD What do you splurge on?
PLG Shoes. Today I was just looking at a pair of shoes for $500.

And Lastly
BD What message would you like to send to your fans?
PLG Thank you for your support. I’ll be delivering thrills in the ring. I can’t wait to meet and greet my fans. Much love to you for the interview. I appreciate it.
Boxing news www.diamondboxing.com

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